807-474-6677 [email protected]
Ontario’s Stage 3 Re-Open Framework begins this Friday, July 17th, 2020!
The Soengkono World Class Martial Arts School will Re-Open, following the Ontario safety guidelines. This means that safety protocols will be in place during classes – social distancing outside of your family circle, no prolonged contact, etc.
Welcome back to our Assistant Instructors: Alex, Adrien, Dane, Jasyn, Aidyn, Earl, Wes, Andrij, Kai, Mike, and Andrew!
We know these times are challenging for all of us, and we thank you for your continued patience dedication. Let’s pick up our health and wellbeing, where we left off…looking forward to see you on our beautiful new Dojo!
It’s time to come back! Check the website at www.soengkono.com for new class times!


The Soengkono method is an absolute outlier in traditional martial arts. Sign up below to begin reaping the benefits of a lifetime of practice!

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